Harvel 5 Runner ‘Swap’ policy & process
It’s worth setting out why we have opted to do this, this year (we previously could not support requests for swaps). We are still unable to support requests for runners to DEFER their place, we do not have a waiting list, nor will there be any entries on the day.
RunBritain are upgrading their race entry system and originally we had hoped that their new system would be in place, ahead of March 25th (when we opened for entries). As we (narrowly) missed out on being able to use the new system, we are offering to help organise runner swaps, and we are happy to assist you with these if they are made ahead of a deadline of Friday May 17th (5pm). The deadline is so that we can prep our final database, ahead of race day.
What is a runner swap?
In the event that you can no longer run with us on race day (Saturday June 1st, 2pm) and if you advise us of the new runners details (see attached form) ahead of the deadline, we will update our database to remove you & add the details of the swapped runner.
We will not take any action regarding the entry cost you paid. There will be no refund organised through us. If you choose to use this process, YOU alone are responsible for what happens to the payment. We are simply taking the details that your new runner supplies, and alongside your permission, we are amending our database to afford that runner, your original place. The data required is important and mirrors the same data you supplied us, when you originally entered, back during the week of March 25th. It contains important information on the new runner, which we will need, in plenty of time for race day.
Steps to follow:
Your substitute runner will need to complete the electronic form: https://forms.gle/zz8gyTtVu4W9nVTo9
(note that your substitute runner will need to include your name, so that we can effect the swap
We will need one email from you that informs us that the form has been completed, and that you expressly give us your permission to process the swap (and therefore you no longer have a race place)
Your email should be addressed to:
- H5.race.committee@gmail.com
- Be clearly marked as a request to “SWAP a H5 race place”
- The swap will be fully processed (by us) only when we get the email from you stating that a fully completed form (with the appropriate data) has been submitted & that the original entrant is happy for the swap to be processed by us.
Once the swap has been actioned by us, we will inform both you and your substitute runner. Your substitute runner will collect a race envelope IN THEIR NAME on race day. Requests that are either incomplete, or that do not follow the above process are likely to get overlooked and cannot be actioned, by us or RunBritain.
The reason that (several years ago) we stopped allowing swaps & deferrals was that for a small club like ours, and with a race team that are entirely staffed by volunteers, we quickly became overwhelmed with requests so introduced a blanket ban.
If you have any questions about the process, plse email us via H5.race.committee@gmail.com
**PLSE NOTE** This swap process has been recently update (27.4.24) and differs from the original process